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Gratuity Calculator: 15 years of job and last salary of ₹ 75000, how much gratuity will you get? Check with this formula.

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Gratuity Calculation Formula: If you have worked in a company for 5 years or more, then you are given a gratuity when you leave the job. The amount of gratuity is given by the company to the employee as a reward for giving better services to the company for a long time. While leaving the job, everyone calculates how much money he will get. Let us tell you that if you have worked in a company for 15 years and your last salary is ₹ 75000, then how much money will you get as gratuity.

How much gratuity you will get is decided on the basis of a formula. The formula to calculate gratuity is- (Last salary) x (How many years did you work in the company) x (15/26).

Last salary means the average of your last 10 months' salary. This salary includes basic salary, dearness allowance and commission. 26 days are counted as Sundays and gratuity is calculated on the basis of 15 days as 4 days are week off in a month.

According to the calculation of gratuity formula, if you worked in a company for 15 years and your last salary was Rs 75,000, then the calculation formula will be (75000) x (15) x (15/26). After calculation, the total will be Rs 6,49,038, this amount will be given to you as gratuity. In this way, you can calculate with this formula based on your last salary and years of employment.

When the company or institution is not registered under the Gratuity Act, the employees do not come under the Gratuity Act. But in such a case, if the company wants, it can voluntarily give gratuity to the employee, but in such a case the formula for determining gratuity becomes different. In such a case, the amount of gratuity will be equal to half a month's salary for every year. But the number of working days for a month will be considered as 30 days, not 26.

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