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Maharashtra Legislative Council Approves Extension Of State Skill University Chancellor's Tenure To 3 Years

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Mumbai: The Maharashtra Legislative Council unanimously approved the amendment bill extending the tenure of the Chancellor of the State Skill University from the current two years to three years. The amendment, formally known as the Maharashtra State Skill University (Amendment) Bill 2024, was presented in the Legislative Council on Monday.

Minister Mangal Prabhat Lodha, overseeing the State Skill, Employment, and Innovation Department, introduced Legislative Council Bill No. 3 of 2024, formally known as the Maharashtra State Skill University (Amendment) Bill 2024. During the session, Minister Lodha detailed various initiatives and projects undertaken by the Skill Development Department. He emphasized the significance of the bill in enhancing employment prospects and advancing skill development, successfully garnering support from all members present.

Previously, the Vice-Chancellor of the Skill University served a two-year term. Minister Lodha proposed the amendment to extend this term to three years, a move that received unanimous backing in the council.

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"India has earned global recognition as a hub of skill development excellence. Consequently, initiatives to promote skill enhancement are currently under review. Following the ascension of the grand coalition government in the state, Maharashtra established the Skill Development University. This institution operates within defined parameters of responsibility. Construction is currently underway for the Skill Development University's dedicated campus in the state, reflecting ongoing progress in this endeavor", said Minister Lodha.

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