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Solo Travelling: Women going on solo travel should keep these things in mind, otherwise there can be problems

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Due to lack of time and saving money, those who are fond of traveling have started the trend of solo traveling. The meaning of solo traveling is clear from the name itself, traveling alone. Solo travel can be done for many reasons. Often, according to your time, family, friends or close ones do not have time, in such a situation, when you feel like going on a trip and there is no one to accompany you, then solo traveling can be a better option.

Solo travel also costs less money and also gives a feeling of relaxation, however, if women are going on such a trip, then they should pay special attention to some things beforehand. Traveling alone can be unsafe or inconvenient for women, in such a situation, by keeping some things in mind, women can enjoy solo traveling in a comfortable, convenient and safe way.

Women traveling solo should keep these things in mind

Selection of place
If women are going on a solo trip, then be careful while selecting the place. Before the trip, do a complete study about that place. Select the place according to your liking and convenience. During this time, also see what is the weather like there and how safe is the place for women.

Light luggage
Women have more luggage, but their physical ability to lift it is less. In such a situation, if a woman goes on a trip alone, then keep only as much luggage in the luggage as she can easily carry. This will not cause them difficulty during the journey and they will be able to enjoy the trip easily.

Smart wallet
Carry less cash with you, rather use cards more. By keeping more cash, you have to handle it too. It can also be harmful from the security point of view. Therefore, keep the card and local mode of payment downloaded in your phone.


Balance in mobile
No matter how far you are from home and city, mobile keeps you connected to your loved ones. Keep prepaid balance and data in the mobile. Do not use Wi-Fi everywhere. Keep two SIMs in the mobile so that if the network of one does not work, then connectivity remains with the other SIM.

Do not share travel information

Do not share details of your departure and return on social media accounts. Do not share details like date, time, transportation, hotel etc. Keep the same thing in mind while traveling regarding photographs. Also, if someone you know is from a local place, then definitely take his/her opinion about that place offline.

(PC: Istock)

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