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'I'm livid that neighbour left my car in a state – but she thinks it's funny'

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A woman is done playing happy neighbours after an unfortunate incident with her car.

Finding the balance with those that live next door can be a challenging feat. You don't want to get on their bad side and have a life filled with petty arguments about how much noise you're making or whether you've trimmed the hedge too far back. But you also don't want an overbearing neighbour who thinks you're best mates - constantly inviting themselves over or asking when you're free for dinner.

When things do turn sour, it can be tricky to navigate - as one woman named Ellie recently found out. Taking to Mumsnet, she shared an awkward encounter that happened in her neighbourhood.

Ellie claims she was away for the weekend and left her car 'parked at home'. Her neighbours do not drive so usually leave their adjacent parking slot left empty. But when she came back to her house, Ellie noticed 'loads of muck and grass' was sprayed all over her car bonnet and windscreen.

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She alleges her vehicle was left 'filthy' and presumes the neighbours had been jet-washing their footpath and garden. But when she confronted them, it didn't exactly go to plan.

"I came across my neighbour as she was leaving yesterday and asked her was she cleaning outside as it made a lot of mess and its made my car filthy. She just laughed and said '[I'm] sure the rain will wash it off, sorry'," the post reads.

"In fact, the rain did not 'wash it off' and I have spent £15 having to get the car cleaned. I am furious. If I did this I would at least offer to pay for the car wash and not laugh off spraying dirt on someone's car."

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Swathes of users flocked to the comments section to share their thoughts - with many slamming the neighbour for her 'unacceptable' behaviour. "She's a bit of a cow to laugh and say that," one person raged. "She should have offered to clean it."

Another agreed, commenting: "Some people don't have any respect for others' property and belongings. She should have apologised, at the least. I'd find the flippant response infuriating," while a third reassured: "I would be livid at this too."

However, some accused Ellie of overreacting to the incident, arguing her response is a 'bit over the top'. "Why did you need to get it cleaned professionally?" one person quizzed.

"Surely a quick rinse at home would have done it? Doubt you were expecting her to pay for it to be professionally cleaned surely?! Mud does just wash off!" Another scathed: "Furious is a bit over the top, really," while a third added: "I think you need to learn to relax. It's no big deal."

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