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Man shocked by neighbour's moaning note – but people think he's in the wrong

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A man has been lambasted for moaning about his friend's grumpy neighbours, but others think his friend is in the wrong for not being respectful.

Sharing the incident on social media, he explained that his mind had been “blown” after his friend sent him a photo of a letter he had received from a neighbour. He wrote: “A friend of mine whose car has broken down is having to ride a motorbike to work at 5:30am. They got this letter from a neighbour. Mind blown.”

The note read: “To Whom It May Concern, For the past week your motorbike has been starting up at 5.30am on a weekday and 6.30am on weekends. The noise has been consistently waking me up and disrupting my sleep.”

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The author of the letter, Jack, revealed that he had also been speaking to their fellow neighbours and claimed they were all fed up with the noise as well. The missive continued: “I understand that you may have your routine, but this early morning disturbance is becoming unacceptable, since it started over a week ago, causing lost sleep and stress to me and others.

“I kindly ask that you take steps to either start your motorbike later in the morning, or find a way to reduce the noise, especially in these early hours. I trust you’ll understand the impact this is having, and I would appreciate your immediate attention to this matter.”

People reading the post on Threads were quick to react, with the majority taking Jack’s side. One person replied: “What’s the issue? Motorbikes are obnoxiously loud, and they make a fair point while being polite about it. Why should a whole street of people be disturbed for the sake of one person? Matey can get a taxi.”

Another user responded: “I live in a neighbourhood where all houses are close to each other. I used to own a motorbike with an open exhaust. I pushed my bike to the main road before I started it in the morning because I'm not an antisocial a**hole.”

However, other people thought the letter was laughable and urged the owner of the motorbike to retaliate. One user responded: “Hysterical. He should rev it a bit before he leaves. Seriously do people not realise they live amongst other people? The entitlement of letter writer is off the scale.” And someone else penned: “I'd leave even earlier just for the hell of it, f*****g boohoo, it's not like he's just sat there revving the guts out of it!!! Some people just need to moan about something…”

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