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A city art organisation to host an open mic session and popup fair to commemorate pride month

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The Creative Arts academy is set to host an open mic session under the theme ‘Say it with Pride’ comprising poetry, music and storytelling curated by the Creative arts Academy actors Aarti Daga and Rashmi Kumari. The event will also feature a vibrant pop-up fair titled ‘All Out with Pride’ where small start-ups will get a chance to showcase their jewellery, baked items, accessories, in association with a band that promotes brands and celebrates diversity, gender fluidity and love.
According to Ramanjit Kaur, the director and founder of TCA, the Creative Arts academy as an organisation, is committed to gender fluidity and inclusivity in Arts, embracing individuals from all age groups and communities. It strives to create a welcoming environment for all genders, age groups, and communities, believing in the importance of nurturing the next generation of artists.

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