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UK election results: 'Change begins now', says Keir Starmer as Labour party sweeps to power

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Labour Party leader Keir Starmer delivered a victory speech expressing gratitude as he's set to become Britain's next prime minister.

As the Labour party secured enough seats to form a majority in parliament, Starmer addressed activists, promising a "decade of national renewal" and how he'll work towards change. He committed to putting "country first, party second." "Change begins here," Starmer declared to the cheering activists and spoke of a vision for a "decade of national renewal."
He also highlighted the primary challenge of the current era of "winning back public trust and demonstrating that politics can be a positive force". "We said we would end the chaos, and we will, we said we would turn the page, and we have. Today, we start the next chapter, begin the work of change, the mission of national renewal and start to rebuild our country." he said, quoted by Reuters.

Starmer stressed that re-establishing trust is crucial in today's political landscape. He said, "The fight for trust is the battle that defines our age. It is why we've campaigned so hard on demonstrating we are fit for public service."

Labour's resurgence marks a remarkable turnaround from five years ago when the party, led by the hard-left former leader Jeremy Corbyn, suffered its worst defeat since 1935 in an election dominated by Brexit.

Starmer took over the leadership in early 2020, shifting the party back to the centre, making it more electable, and addressing internal conflicts and anti-Semitism that had eroded support.

Starmer has also pledged a return to political integrity following a turbulent period marked by five Tory prime ministers, including three in four months, and numerous scandals and sleaze.
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