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What Not To Search On Google: Avoid These 5 Google Search Terms To Safeguard Against Online Scams

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Google is our go-to tool for finding information. However, a single misguided search can lead to significant financial loss. Here are five things you should never search on Google to avoid falling victim to online scams .

1. Discount Coupons and Offers
Bargain hunters often turn to Google for discount coupons and special offers. This practice, though, can be a trap set by cybercriminals. Scammers create fake coupon sites to steal your personal information. Instead, visit official retailer websites or trusted coupon platforms.

2. Customer Care Numbers
When you need a customer care number, it's tempting to Google it. However, fraudulent sites often display fake numbers, leading you to scammers who might extract your personal and financial details. Always get customer care numbers from the official company website.

3. Internet Banking Services
Searching for your bank’s internet banking service on Google can be risky. Cybercriminals create look-alike websites to capture your login credentials. Bookmark your bank's official website and use it directly instead of relying on search engine results.

4. Medical Advice and Medicines
For health issues, many people turn to Google for advice and self-medication. This is hazardous as the information might be inaccurate or unsafe. Always consult a healthcare professional for medical advice and prescriptions.

5. Government Websites
Government services are crucial, and scammers know this. They create fake government websites to collect personal information. Verify the URL carefully before entering any details on a government website. Official government sites usually end with ".gov."

Google is an incredible resource, but it can also be a gateway for scammers. By being cautious and verifying sources, you can protect yourself from online fraud. Stay vigilant and think twice before searching for sensitive information online.
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